BlueZone Financial

Ongoing monitoring and due diligence

Monitor your investments from time to time.

Check to see if they are performing according to your goals. If not, re-evaluate your investments and determine where changes need to be made.

Determine if you need to change your risk profile.

As you get older, you will want to take less risk. Be sure to adjust your investments accordingly.

If you have money in risky investments, it is a good idea to sell them and move the money to more stable investments when you get older.

If your finances tolerate the volatility of your portfolio very well, you might want to take on even more risk so that you can reach your goals sooner.

Evaluate whether you are contributing enough to reach your financial goals.

It may be the case that you are not putting enough money into your investments to make your goals. On a more positive note, you might find that you are way ahead of reaching your goals and that you are putting too much money into your investments on a regular basis. In either case, adjust your contributions accordingly.

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